Wedding Invitations Etiquette and Wording

 Growing up, my mother always told me, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it". That advice is certainly true when it comes wedding invitations.

Whether the actual ceremony is a black-tie event or sandals on the beach, the wording used in the wedding invitations should follow certain formalities. By following the rules of this etiquette, you will be able to save yourself from feelings being hurt or misunderstandings. The rules and nuances of what is consider proper will help you to set the stage for strong relationships in the future.

- In addressing envelopes, write out all names.

- Include reply cards with self stamped and preaddressed envelopes so that you can be certain to plan for the proper number of guests

- If it is an adults only event, only address to the adults of the household. It is improper to say "no children" or "adults only" in invitation wording

- One invitation per household unless adult children over 18 also reside at the same address.

- Do not use abbreviations. Spell out words such as road, street, and avenue.

- For weddings that are more informal or not in a religious setting, use the wording "request the pleasure of your company." For ceremonies held in a house of worship, use "requests the honour of your presence."

- When hosted by the Bride and groom, "Bride's name and groom's name request the honour of your presence."

- If the ceremony is hosted by the bride's family, her parents names should listed first then the names of the couple. The parent's of the groom should be listed after the groom's name such as: "groom's name, son of Mr. and Mrs." The reverse for weddings hosted by the groom's family.

- When hosted by the bride and groom and their parents, "Bride's name and Groom's name, together with their parents" or if the parents are divorced and remarried, "...together with their parents and their spouses"

- If it is an informal event, state so. It is proper to state "informal attire" in wedding invitation wording in such cases.

- If you do not wish your guests to bring gifts, you may add "Your presence is the only gift we request."

Choosing the Right Invitation Style

The style of invitation should reflect the style of the event. Guests take cues from the style of the wedding invitation and try to dress appropriately for the event. The style of the invitation will help the guests to know what to expect during the ceremony. There are so many options available - traditional, elegant, sleek and contemporary. Your choice can reflect what to expect during the ceremony as well as the style of the company. A trend that is getting more popular each year is "diy" invitations which allows the creative side to come through. ------------------------

For Andi Beark, planning her niece's wedding is an honor. From flowers to music to wedding invitations, there are so many decisions to be made. The large selection at made shopping for custom wedding invitations easy, leaving plenty of time to focus on finding the perfect location.

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